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Calcium Supplementation is Essential for Babies

Calcium Supplementation is Essential for Babies

Infant bone growth and development requires a great amount of calcium. During infancy, calcium intake is generally from breast milk or formula milk. However, after transiting from milk to solid food, an imbalanced diet may increase the risk of calcium deficiency in them. As parents, we must pay extra attention to the daily diet and developmental progress of our children. You may refer to the following health tips for children so that they can grow up healthily and fast.

Is your kid short?

The most straightforward method is to compare with children of the same age:

  • During physical examination, the child's height often deviates from the curve in growth chart, even below the 3rd percentile for height (meaning 97 out of 100 children of the same age and same sex are taller)
  • Birth weight is less than 2.5 kilograms, or less than 47 cm in height. At the age of 2 the growth and development of child is still lagging behind children of the same age
  • From 4 years old till puberty, the increase in height is less than 4 centimeters per year
  • Is your child at risk for calcium deficiency?

    If the following symptoms appear in your child, it may be related to calcium deficiency. Note that for older children, the symptoms may become less obvious. It will be more difficult to aware of the problem of calcium deficiency resulted from long-term imbalanced diet. We should thus arrange an appointment with pediatrician and nutritionist as soon as possible if it happens.


    Children under the age of 3

    • Hairless
    • Frog belly (due to calcium deficiency and flabby muscles)
    • Brittle nails
    • Easy to cry and wake up at night 

    Children over 3 years old

    • Anorexia
    • Picky eater
    • Difficulty in falling asleep
    • Easy to get colds
    • Thinning hair
    • Developmental delay
    • Irregular teeth
    • Paroxysmal abdominal pain and diarrhea
    • X or O-type legs


    Picky eater cannot be ignored

    Survey conducted by Center for Food Safety found that more than 90% of Hong Kong people have low calcium intake which is below the WHO standard of dietary calcium consumption, while the average daily calcium intake is only 430 mg per person, which is less than half of the dietary recommendation. Many children in Hong Kong are picky eaters and they especially dislike leafy greens and beans, greatly reducing the chance of dietary calcium absorption.


    Calcium-rich food is essential

    The best source of calcium is from dairy products, such as: high calcium milk, yogurt and high calcium cheese, followed by bean products such as hard tofu, soy milk. In addition, sesame, shrimp and sardines with the bones are also the good sources of calcium.


    Tofu is rich in protein, calcium and vitamins, it is fresh, tender and smooth. It is much easier to be digested and absorbed than beans, therefore it’s the one of the most preferred ingredients for children recipes. The following recommends a healthy and delicious tofu recipes.

    Silky Tofu Scones (for child older than age 2)


    A plate of tofu (drain it)

    1 egg

    Chopped green onion 

    Carrot, mushrooms and asparagus (cut into cubes), 
    1 tablespoon for each


    Salt 3/4 teaspoon 


    Sugar 1/2 teaspoon   


    1. Blanch the Carrot mushrooms, asparagus
    2. Drain the tofu ,  mash it and then mix well with carrot, mushrooms, asparagus, seasonings, beaten egg and green onion
    3. Press and rub the mixture into small round shaped patties
    4. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat, cook the patties until golden brown on both sides and then serve


    If your child is unable to meet the recommended daily intake of calcium  (700 mg 1-3 years; 4-8 years old 1000 mg), you may consider natural calcium supplements for him/her, especially the product that extracted from natural milk source which is easy to be absorbed.



    Children’s Milk Calcium Formula (Zinc Added*) contains TruCal® Milk Calcium and Natural Chelated Zinc. Milk Calcium is derived from the natural, non-polluted and premium quality milk source that is rich in Calcium and with a balanced minerals profile. Its content is nearly identical to human bone structure1, readily absorbable and highly bioavailable. It is efficacious in boosting children bone development2, teeth strength and proper growth to the fullest. It is an ideal nutrition choice for nourishing and optimizing your children growth.


    1. Eric, F. Ph.D. 2009, Glanbia Nutritionals, Inc.

    2. Ruth, E.B., et al. 2002, Am J Clin Nutr, 76, pp. 675-80.



    Center for Food Safety

    US. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Database

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